Monday 13 February 2012

Swanson to Coromandel Town

View along the Coromandel coast
Sumptuous breakfast. Mist cleared gradually to reveal panoramic views over the Waitakere rain forest and greater Auckland. Headed for central Auckland where we got a replacement hire car. A red one this time, with a working horn. Then we hit the main highway south, before peeling off to head for the Coromandel Peninsula. Rained for this part of the journey, so we didn't dawdle anywhere. Lunched in Thames, by which time the sun had come out again. A quaint little town with a main street of wooden buildings - a wee bit like something from the American West but more cheerful and not dusty. From Thames we headed up the west coast of the Peninsula.

View north towards Coromandel Bay
The Coromandel Peninsula has a mountain range running down the middle, with only a small flat strip up the west coast where the road hugs the coastline.The sunshine stayed with us, so we stopped off a few times to admire the views and fossick on the beaches. After Wilson Bay, the road turned inland and climbed steeply over the hills  to Coromandel Town where we had booked our next B&B. More stunning views as we travelled over this pass. Coromandel Town looks a bit like Thames but is considerably smaller. Some nice old wooden buildings and a history of timber and gold mining. Another comfortable B&B with friendly hosts. Dined in town at an excellent restaurant. John had local mussels, which were huge and green-shelled.

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