Friday 3 February 2012

Arrived in Singapore

Eating Chinese
Smooth, uneventful flights from Aberdeen to Heathrow and on to Singapore. The technology to get us there in 13 hours would have seemed like magic to James Cook, Joseph Banks and other Far East explorers of some two centuries ago: travelling 1 km every 4 seconds, sitting pretty comfortably watching one of a large selection of videos on the personal small screen in front of each seat or listening to a selection from over 300 CDs.  The in-flight entertainment was much better than when we last travelled a long distance and really helped to make the journey seem short.  John lied the tail web-cam that gave something approaching a pilot's eye view.  Slept fitfully on the plane but sufficient to feel OK on arrival. Singapore is 8 hours ahead of the UK so we arrived here in the evening, whilst our body clocks still thought it was morning. Got the Airport Shuttle bus in from the airport direct to the hotel. Bus took us through much of Singapore which seems to be dominated by huge, and luxurious, high rise buildings. All looks very spick and span, too, though, so far, we've only seen it in the dark. After checking into the hotel (lovely room with huge bathroom), we popped round the corner to a local Chinese restaurant (open air, tables on the pavement) for a bite to eat, then back to the hotel's rooftop bar, only to find that it closes as 10.30pm. Enjoyed the view of the city, however. Now it's back to our room for an early night in the hope that we can avoid jetlag tomorrow.
Night time view of Singapore from Rooftop Bar

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