Monday 6 February 2012

Singapore to Auckland

In the Botanic Gardens
Took the City Bus Tour in the morning. Hopped off at the Botanic Gardens. Visited the Ginger Gardens and the National Orchid Garden. Rejoined bus tour for the drive down Orchard Road, Singapore's shopping Mecca - not really our scene - then hopped off again at the Singapore Flyer - Singapore's version of the London Eye but considerably bigger. Fabulous views over the city and harbour. Hopped back on the bus and returned to the Colonial District for some more photos of the Anderson Bridge and a final walk up the river before heading for Chinatown. Wandered through the bustling street markets and stalls - totally different in atmosphere from the Colonial and Business districts we had been in earlier.

Prayer Wheel in the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple
Dragged John into the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple - an amazing riot of colour and sound and much gold; walls lined with 10,000 little Buddhas, each numbered and catalogued. Climbed up to the roof gardens where there was a huge prayer wheel.

Then it was on to the Sri Mariamman Temple, Singapore's oldest Hindu temple. John took photos of the exterior but drew the line at visiting two temples on the same day so I explored this one on my own. Totally different in look and feel from the Buddhist one. Lots of ceramic figurines of exotic gods. Fascinating.  Templed out, we sought refreshment in a Chinese cafe before wending our way back to the hotel to change, collect our luggage and then head out to the airport.

Overnight flight to Brisbane, then the final leg, Brisbane to Auckland. Oh dear - huge queues to go through immigration and customs - took us 2 hours to get through. Had to surrender our walking boots to be cleaned and disinfected. Got shuttle bus in to the city and to our hotel in the Ponsonby District. Good choice. Nice area with views down to the harbour and lots of nice cafes and restaurants. Comfortable motel. Dined in a local restaurant, then collapsed.

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