Thursday 1 March 2012

Fox Glacier to Wanaka

Mount Tasman peeks through the clouds
Torrential rain during the night but woke to blue skies. Band of cloud on the mountain tops obscured the view of Mount Cook but caught a brief glimpse of its neighbour, Mount Tasman. Set off south again, down the coast, still on our old friend Highway 6. Today was to be another day of views. First the bays, beaches and river mouths of the Tasman coast, then the river, gorge, streams and waterfalls of the Haast Pass, then the magnificent alpine scenery of Lakes Wanaka and Hawea.

Knight Point

First stop was Knight Point where we were buffeted by the strong south westerly wind but rewarded with striking views of the wild coastline. Next stop was Ship Creek  where we went for a walk along the beach, struggling to make headway into the strong wind. After this we crossed the Haast River, bypassing Haast township which appeared to be no more tham a handful of buildings, and followed the highway inland, up the Haast River. Began to get stunning views of soaring, snow sprinkled peaks; every corner in the road revealed a magnificent view. Had our picnic lunch on the banks of the river.
Ship Creek

Ship Creek Lagoon

After lunch the road began to head uphill, towards the pass. Passed numerous waterfalls tumbling down the hillsides. Stopped to admire those at Thunder Creek, Gates of Haast and Fantail Falls. The Haast Pass was a watershed. We left the Haast River behind us, rushing it's way north east down to the Tasman Sea, and joined the Makarora, heading south to flow into Lake Wanaka. Paused at the meeting of the Makarora and Blue rivers to take a short walk to the Blue Pools. These pools of clear azure water are a pretty sight, viewed from yet another suspension bridge. A short distance after this we got our first view of Lake Wanaka. A huge lake, over 50 km long, surrounded by mountains.
Thundercreek falls

Lake Hawea
The road tootled along Lake Wanaka for a bit and then crossed over the hills to Lake Hawea. More breathtaking mountain and lake views, with the more distant mountains capped with snow. Continued down the shores of Lake Hawea, then back across to the foot of lake Wanaka where the town of Wanaka is situated.
View of Lake Wanaka from our motel room
Checked into our motel, the aptly named Lakeview Motel, and were so charmed with the sunshine and the view from our veranda that we ordered in pizza rather than going out to eat. Pizza accompanied by a bottle from our winery tour, watching a few yachts on the lake. Happiness.

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